It’s time to “Ditch the Pitch & Start Connecting!”™ Laura Templeton
Laura Templeton’s Biography
Laura Templeton is the Founder and Chief Instigator at 30 Second Success, a company helping coaches, consultants, and service providers make better connections and obtain more business in 30 seconds or less.
As a Global Speaker, Author of 30 Second Success: Ditch the pitch and start connecting! and Brand Communications Consultant, Laura educates in-person and virtual audiences on value-based communications that take your creativity to the next level and help you step into owning and sharing your brilliance with confidence.
Laura is currently working on the next book in the 30 Second Success series. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring her new home state of Florida, spending time with family, friends, and Knox (her co-working dog), and teaching Archery to anyone interested in learning.
In This Episode, You’ll Learn…
In today’s episode, Mike and Laura talk about the next book in the 30 Second Success series and how action leads to momentum.
- It’s about making the sale, closing the deal. And in this day and age, it’s the importance of connecting with people and how much further those deep connections take you changes everything. – Laura Templeton
- When you’re networking, it’s about grabbing someone’s attention and getting them to wanna know more, getting them to have a deeper conversation with you. – Laura Templeton
- Once we build a relationship with them and help them understand what we do, they can then go out and speak on our behalf to the people that they know or someone that they might overhear talking about their struggles. – Laura Templeton
- When you think about it, the 30-second message, it’s really about grabbing someone’s attention because the attention span of humans has been dwindled down from like 12 per, I think it was like 12 seconds, you know, in the 80s, and now it’s about seven seconds. – Laura Templeton
Links & Resources Mentioned…
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(upbeat music)
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- Welcome back to the Get
Unstuck and on Target podcast.
00:00:07.479 --> 00:00:10.500
I'm Mike O'Neill with Bench Builders,
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and we help growing companies,
especially manufacturers
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improve their people,
process and planning systems
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so they can scale smarter and faster.
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Joining me today from Bradenton,
Florida is Laura Templeton.
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Laura is the Founder and Chief Instigator
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at 30 Second Success,
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a company helping coaches, consultants,
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and service providers
make better connections
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and obtain more business
in 30 seconds or less.
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Laura is also a global speaker,
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brand communication consultant
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and the author of "30 Second Success:
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"Ditch the Pitch and Start Connecting."
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Welcome, Laura.
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- Thank you so much for having me, Mike.
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I appreciate you inviting me on your show.
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- Well, I'm looking forward
to this conversation.
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We've had an opportunity to speak
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prior to recording this podcast.
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I love the name of your book
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cause it kind of says it all,
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"Ditch the Pitch and Start Connecting."
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What is it about the pitch
that we have drilled into us
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as business leaders?
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- Well, I think the biggest thing
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that a lot of people really struggle with
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is that a pitch is more
about a sale, right?
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It's about making the
sale, closing the deal.
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And in this day and age,
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it's the importance of
connecting with people
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and how much further those
deep connections take you
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changes everything.
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It changes your relationships.
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It changes your business.
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It changes the sales process.
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So really getting away from
having a standard sales pitch
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or, you know, thinking of
someone that's in front of you
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always as a prospect,
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rather than someone who
you wanna get to know,
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wanna build a relationship
with makes a big difference.
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- You know, we are recording
this podcast in mid-July.
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It will probably not be released
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for another eight to 10 weeks,
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but at this point we're coming out of,
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I hope that's the right
term, an unprecedented time
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by which connecting was
done very, very differently
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two and a half plus years ago.
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Help me understand, you're
encouraging the importance of
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drop the sales pitch and
put emphasis on connecting.
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But you haven't given up on
that 30 second timeframe.
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What is it about the 30
seconds and connecting?
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What is it you're trying to
get across to the readers
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and to our listeners about
how that all comes together?
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- So the importance of
your 30 second message
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is really not to sell someone right.
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A lot of times we take it for granted
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that when we're in a networking event,
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they give us an opportunity
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to give a 30 second commercial, right?
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And think about it from
this perspective in,
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you know, marketing and advertising,
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they've always used the methodology
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that your intention with your commercial
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is to get someone's attention
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to get them to wanna know more.
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Obviously, you know, in
commercials, advertisements on TV,
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they're hoping that you will buy,
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but it's more to create that familiarity.
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When you're networking,
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it's about grabbing someone's attention
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and getting them to wanna know more,
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getting them to have a
deeper conversation with you.
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Learn what you're about,
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understand who it is that
you're trying to connect with
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because we have to understand
that the people in the room
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aren't necessarily all our clients,
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but they may know who
our clients are, right?
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So once we build a relationship with them
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and help them understand what we do,
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they can then go out
and speak on our behalf
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to the people that they know
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or someone that they might overhear
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talking about their struggles.
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And when we do a good job
of educating our audience
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on what it is that we do,
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they start to look at it differently,
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like how can I help you?
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Where can I connect you?
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What is it that you're looking for?
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And, oh my goodness, I know
someone who needs your help.
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That's the value of
that 30 second message.
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It's really not to tell
people everything that you do.
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Have you ever watched someone
who just starts talking
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and doesn't wanna shut up?
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- Yes.
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- And it becomes really painful for them,
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like they don't know when to end,
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but they feel like they've
gotta tell you everything
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that they do.
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And that's because they think of it as
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okay, if I miss something,
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they're not gonna know we have this,
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and now I've lost a sale.
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But when you think about
it in terms of okay,
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if I tell you everything
I do and how I do it,
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and even my price,
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now I don't need to have a
conversation with you, right?
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You're not gonna get to know me.
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You're not going to get to trust me.
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You're not gonna get that trust factor
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that is so imperative to relationships,
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and the sales process really
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doesn't even have a chance to happen
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when you spill all the beans.
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- So that being said, you mentioned
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that you wanna move away
from it being a sales pitch.
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You're trying to make connections.
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I'll go back to this 30 seconds.
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Is that a reflection on our
limited attention span nowadays?
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- Oh, absolutely.
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Absolutely, and you know
what, but the thing of it is,
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we don't have a whole lot of time, right?
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It seems like we have less
and less time every day
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because our days are filled
with a lot of attention getting,
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you know, all the things that
are grabbing our attention,
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whether it's our businesses, our children,
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our, you know, household responsibilities.
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But when you think about
it, the 30 second message,
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it's really about grabbing
someone's attention
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because the attention span of humans
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has been dwindled down from like 12 per,
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I think it was like 12
seconds, you know, in the 80s,
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and now it's about seven seconds.
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So you have about seven
seconds to grab the attention
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of the people in the room
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to get them to want to listen
to what you have to say.
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So the 30 second commercial
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is giving them just enough
so that they can go,
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okay, I've absorbed that information.
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Yes, I wanna have a deeper
conversation with her.
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No, I don't really need to talk with her
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because maybe I've already spoken with her
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or that really doesn't
apply to me right now.
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It gives them an opportunity
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just to get a little bit of a taste
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and an idea of what you want.
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Hopefully you've done an
effective job in saying,
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hey, we, you know, we definitely
should have a conversation
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so I can share a little bit
more about the work that I do.
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Maybe it'll help you.
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Maybe it'll help someone else.
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That's the intention.
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But that, it's so imperative
in that first seven seconds
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of what you do say.
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And I tell people all the time,
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don't start your commercial
with your name and your company.
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And there's a reason for that.
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The reason why you wouldn't
start your 30 second message
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with your name and your company is
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what if you do something
that's very familiar
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with a lot of people like, oh,
you're a financial advisor.
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You say your name and
the name of your company,
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and right away, they're gonna
go, oh, I know what she does.
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I don't need to listen to her
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cause I'm gonna pay attention
to what I need to say.
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Right, I gotta figure out
what I'm gonna say next,
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rather than paying attention to you.
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But if you start with a
really intentional statement
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or a comment or a really good question
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that gets people to lean in,
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now you've grabbed their attention.
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And, you know, for instance,
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like there was one of my
clients that used to talk about,
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you know, what would happen to your family
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if your house burnt down tonight?
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Do you know where you're gonna go?
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Well, he was an insurance salesman.
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And how many people like
leaned in like, oh my gosh,
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I never thought about that.
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And chances are most people
don't think about that.
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Like where are you going to go tomorrow
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if your house burned down tonight?
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- I love the question.
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It's not only factual, but
immediately tugs at the heart
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right off the bat.
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- Absolutely.
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- And it's only a matter of a few words,
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and you got 'em hooked, do you not?
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- Absolutely, and that's
the biggest thing.
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A lot of people don't understand,
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your message is designed to
grab someone's attention.
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So start with the things that
matter to them most, right?
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What is the pain or problem
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that your ideal client
really struggles with?
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For me, you know, a lot of times I'll say
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most people struggle to effectively
communicate who they are
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in 30 seconds or less.
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And we know, and we've seen people
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really struggle with that.
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So yes, it makes sense, right away.
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It's like, oh, and you
can feel it emotionally
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in yourself sometimes cause,
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or A, you've felt it, or
B, you've watched somebody
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that you know and love struggle with it.
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And that was part of the reason
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why I started my own business.
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I watched too many people
struggle with that challenge
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of having to create a 30 second message
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that grabs people's attention,
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gets them to wanna know more
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and still feels like you, right?
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You mentioned the heart.
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It's your emotion.
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What emotions are you
bringing to your message?
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What emotions are you
connecting to in your audience
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that creates that instant
inquisitiveness on their end,
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gets them to wanna know more about you
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and the work that you do.
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So what is it that you're tapping into?
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And it's really about emotion.
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It's connecting on an emotional level
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that a lot of people fail to understand
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when they're communicating
what it is that they do.
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- You know, I introduced
you as the Founder
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and Chief Instigator of 30 Second Success.
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I've never heard that
term, chief instigator.
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What does that mean to you?
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- That is an homage to my
father who passed recently.
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We lost him in November.
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My dad was quite an instigator, and one,
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he was the person that I admire the most
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because I loved growing up
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watching my father just
have great conversations
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with people, no matter where we went.
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He would always ask really good questions,
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would joke around with people,
get really comfortable.
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We swore my dad knew everybody.
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We just, you know, like he
could have been mayor really
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because he just knew everybody
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because the man took
the time to ask people
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very intentional questions
and get them to talk with him.
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And we would literally be standing in line
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at either Hershey Park or Disney world,
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and people would be like surrounding him
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like he was holding court
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because he just asked
really great questions.
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And that's something that I aspire to do.
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And I do that, I get to do that in my work
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because I ask a lot of
intentional questions,
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not only of my clients,
but my audience as well.
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- Well, you can be assured
the apple didn't fall far
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because you did exact same thing.
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In our very first meeting,
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you asked extremely good questions.
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And you did something beyond
just kind of talk about
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what you did.
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You turn what you do into action.
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And that is, I know
that your current book,
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and I know you may working
on the follow up on that,
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"Ditch, the Pitch and Start Connecting"
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is within an hour of you and I hanging up,
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I got an email from you
with an introduction,
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and the introduction wasn't
just an introduction.
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It was a direct result of
the conversation that we had.
00:11:30.120 --> 00:11:33.660
And the conversation that we had
00:11:33.660 --> 00:11:36.090
was how can I be helpful to you?
00:11:36.090 --> 00:11:38.460
Who might you like to get to know?
00:11:38.460 --> 00:11:41.520
And you immediately put that into action.
00:11:41.520 --> 00:11:46.520
So be assured that if
initiating conversation,
00:11:47.040 --> 00:11:50.370
engaging in conversation
and turning it into action
00:11:50.370 --> 00:11:52.189
is something you aspire to,
00:11:52.189 --> 00:11:54.393
I've seen that already firsthand.
00:11:55.440 --> 00:11:56.273
- Well, thank you.
00:11:56.273 --> 00:11:58.800
Yes, it's one of the
things that I encourage
00:11:58.800 --> 00:12:01.110
a lot of people, including my clients.
00:12:01.110 --> 00:12:04.500
So if I'm expecting my clients
to do it, I do it myself.
00:12:04.500 --> 00:12:06.780
So this is just, you
gotta put into practice
00:12:06.780 --> 00:12:08.850
what you're teaching others to do
00:12:08.850 --> 00:12:10.980
to make sure that it's effective
00:12:10.980 --> 00:12:14.490
and that you're modeling well.
00:12:14.490 --> 00:12:16.800
And that was, again,
it goes back to my dad.
00:12:16.800 --> 00:12:20.253
My dad was the ultimate
connector, so thank you for that.
00:12:21.210 --> 00:12:22.613
- You know, when we were chatting
00:12:22.613 --> 00:12:25.440
prior to scheduling this podcast,
00:12:25.440 --> 00:12:26.700
I wrote this down,
00:12:26.700 --> 00:12:31.200
and that is how does
action lead to momentum?
00:12:31.200 --> 00:12:33.240
And I wrote it down as,
and I didn't tell you,
00:12:33.240 --> 00:12:34.740
I might ask that question,
00:12:34.740 --> 00:12:38.190
but how does action lead to momentum
00:12:38.190 --> 00:12:41.130
based on your observations?
00:12:41.130 --> 00:12:43.470
- So this is, I appreciate
you asking that question
00:12:43.470 --> 00:12:45.570
cause that's something that
I'm working on right now
00:12:45.570 --> 00:12:48.900
with my second book around
the 30 second success.
00:12:48.900 --> 00:12:51.600
And really it's taking
those actionable steps
00:12:51.600 --> 00:12:53.280
that move you forward in your business.
00:12:53.280 --> 00:12:56.670
And as you start to move
forward in your business
00:12:56.670 --> 00:12:58.740
and take actionable steps,
00:12:58.740 --> 00:13:01.350
like even if it's small, actionable steps,
00:13:01.350 --> 00:13:05.790
it is creating momentum
as you keep pushing.
00:13:05.790 --> 00:13:08.757
So momentum is obviously the driving force
00:13:08.757 --> 00:13:11.520
when we create something,
and we keep it going,
00:13:11.520 --> 00:13:13.140
and we keep adding energy to it,
00:13:13.140 --> 00:13:14.267
and we keep adding energy to it,
00:13:14.267 --> 00:13:17.700
and it gets us to where we want to be.
00:13:17.700 --> 00:13:21.420
You know, obviously action
takes intention, right?
00:13:21.420 --> 00:13:22.710
We have to be intentional
00:13:22.710 --> 00:13:24.480
about the actions that we're taking.
00:13:24.480 --> 00:13:26.700
You know, we could sit
at our desk all day long
00:13:26.700 --> 00:13:29.130
and pretend that we're
taking action, right?
00:13:29.130 --> 00:13:31.830
We could be playing in, you
know, playing on social media.
00:13:31.830 --> 00:13:33.090
We could be, you know,
00:13:33.090 --> 00:13:36.690
but it's the purposeful, actionable steps
00:13:36.690 --> 00:13:40.470
that we make each and every
day that get us to our goals.
00:13:40.470 --> 00:13:43.770
And that's what creates that
momentum in our business.
00:13:43.770 --> 00:13:46.830
What I absolutely love,
and the longer I study
00:13:46.830 --> 00:13:49.890
the effects of momentum in business,
00:13:49.890 --> 00:13:51.810
what I'm discovering is, you know,
00:13:51.810 --> 00:13:53.640
just like everything else, you know,
00:13:53.640 --> 00:13:55.890
momentum has a curve to it, right?
00:13:55.890 --> 00:13:57.180
So we start pushing things,
00:13:57.180 --> 00:13:58.500
and we feel like we're pushing uphill.
00:13:58.500 --> 00:13:59.700
We're constantly pushing uphill.
00:13:59.700 --> 00:14:02.280
And all of a sudden, you
know, that ball of momentum
00:14:02.280 --> 00:14:04.860
is getting bigger and
bigger and harder to push
00:14:04.860 --> 00:14:08.700
as we go uphill because
we're doing the hard things.
00:14:08.700 --> 00:14:10.530
We're doing the hard
things in our business
00:14:10.530 --> 00:14:12.720
that get us out of our comfort zones.
00:14:12.720 --> 00:14:14.250
And those are the things
that have to get us
00:14:14.250 --> 00:14:15.750
to the top of the hill.
00:14:15.750 --> 00:14:17.580
So that ball's getting
really big, really heavy
00:14:17.580 --> 00:14:19.380
as we get to the top, and
at some point in time,
00:14:19.380 --> 00:14:20.640
you're gonna get to the top of the hill
00:14:20.640 --> 00:14:22.740
and all of a sudden you're
gonna like hit it, right?
00:14:22.740 --> 00:14:24.990
And it's like, how many
people get to that point
00:14:24.990 --> 00:14:27.365
where all of a sudden it stops,
00:14:27.365 --> 00:14:30.330
and they don't do anything, right?
00:14:30.330 --> 00:14:32.430
They don't take that next actionable step
00:14:32.430 --> 00:14:34.950
that's just gonna get
it like that little push
00:14:34.950 --> 00:14:37.140
that they need to get
it to start rolling down
00:14:37.140 --> 00:14:39.973
the other side of the
hill, cause they pull back.
00:14:39.973 --> 00:14:43.556
And what I'm finding is it's just,
00:14:43.556 --> 00:14:45.870
if I can just help people understand,
00:14:45.870 --> 00:14:47.520
it's the little things
that you do every day
00:14:47.520 --> 00:14:49.230
that are gonna keep pushing
that ball up the hill.
00:14:49.230 --> 00:14:50.340
And at one point in time,
00:14:50.340 --> 00:14:52.620
you're just gonna take
your finger and go, boop,
00:14:52.620 --> 00:14:55.560
and it's gonna start
rolling down the other side.
00:14:55.560 --> 00:14:57.869
And as it starts rolling
down the other side,
00:14:57.869 --> 00:14:59.670
life will start to get easier.
00:14:59.670 --> 00:15:01.800
So you'll still be taking those actions,
00:15:01.800 --> 00:15:06.060
but now the momentum is
carrying itself, right?
00:15:06.060 --> 00:15:07.530
It's moving forward.
00:15:07.530 --> 00:15:10.260
Yes, you still need to
take those action steps,
00:15:10.260 --> 00:15:11.700
but they get a lot easier
00:15:11.700 --> 00:15:16.290
because you'll have the things
in place that you want to do
00:15:17.280 --> 00:15:20.190
and that you want to achieve,
00:15:20.190 --> 00:15:22.530
and you'll be hitting
those markers, right?
00:15:22.530 --> 00:15:25.860
And it becomes a lot easier
to hit those markers.
00:15:25.860 --> 00:15:28.290
And there may come a time
where you hit another hill,
00:15:28.290 --> 00:15:30.210
and you gotta start pushing up again,
00:15:30.210 --> 00:15:31.110
depends on what you want
00:15:31.110 --> 00:15:33.630
and how far you wanna go
with that ball, right?
00:15:33.630 --> 00:15:35.610
Because we know it's the whole,
00:15:35.610 --> 00:15:37.410
you remember the spaghetti story?
00:15:37.410 --> 00:15:40.500
You know, the meatball
that rolls down the hill?
00:15:40.500 --> 00:15:41.412
- No, tell me.
00:15:41.412 --> 00:15:46.412
- There was a story about
it, and it was a while ago
00:15:46.800 --> 00:15:48.840
that I heard it, and
it was about a meatball
00:15:48.840 --> 00:15:49.800
that rolled down the hill,
00:15:49.800 --> 00:15:50.940
and it kept rolling down the hill,
00:15:50.940 --> 00:15:53.580
and eventually it came to a stop.
00:15:53.580 --> 00:15:56.230
And then all of a sudden it was like,
00:15:56.230 --> 00:15:58.415
okay, now what do I do, right?
00:15:58.415 --> 00:15:59.520
And it was just, what do you need to do
00:15:59.520 --> 00:16:00.930
to roll the meatball up the hill?
00:16:00.930 --> 00:16:04.027
And it was just a matter
of get your fork and start,
00:16:04.027 --> 00:16:06.270
you know, and move up the hill, right?
00:16:06.270 --> 00:16:08.160
So it was just the creation of,
00:16:08.160 --> 00:16:10.320
and I probably told that
story totally wrong,
00:16:10.320 --> 00:16:11.880
but that's what I remembered in my head.
00:16:11.880 --> 00:16:15.000
So now I'm gonna have to go
look it up, but it was just,
00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:16.140
you know, it just came to me
00:16:16.140 --> 00:16:18.180
that I remember the
story about the meatball,
00:16:18.180 --> 00:16:20.794
and I think it's a children's story.
00:16:20.794 --> 00:16:23.010
So I'm gonna have to go look that one up,
00:16:23.010 --> 00:16:25.890
but it's just a matter of, you know,
00:16:25.890 --> 00:16:28.410
sometimes we have to,
even when things stop,
00:16:28.410 --> 00:16:30.540
we have to stop and pick 'em up, right?
00:16:30.540 --> 00:16:32.820
We have to keep moving it forward
00:16:32.820 --> 00:16:35.070
because when we stop
taking those action steps,
00:16:35.070 --> 00:16:36.900
things just, you know,
everything just stops
00:16:36.900 --> 00:16:38.640
that comes to a complete halt,
00:16:38.640 --> 00:16:41.760
but God forbid you're on the
bottom side of that hill.
00:16:41.760 --> 00:16:42.957
Now it's gonna come back at you right?
00:16:42.957 --> 00:16:45.000
And now you gotta start all over again.
00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:47.970
And that's happened for me a
few times in my own business
00:16:47.970 --> 00:16:50.400
where I had to take a break, you know,
00:16:50.400 --> 00:16:54.671
where there were things, and,
but what I found was recently,
00:16:54.671 --> 00:16:56.700
you know, I had to take
a, when it was, you know,
00:16:56.700 --> 00:16:58.980
you're in that entrepreneurial path
00:16:58.980 --> 00:17:01.710
of doing everything yourself,
and if you take a break,
00:17:01.710 --> 00:17:03.930
everything stops with you.
00:17:03.930 --> 00:17:06.900
So stepping into hiring people
00:17:06.900 --> 00:17:08.790
or finding the right support system
00:17:08.790 --> 00:17:11.100
of people that could help
me keep moving forward
00:17:11.100 --> 00:17:12.240
even when I had to take a break.
00:17:12.240 --> 00:17:13.770
Like when my father passed away,
00:17:13.770 --> 00:17:16.110
I had women in my networking group
00:17:16.110 --> 00:17:17.790
that just kept promoting my book for me
00:17:17.790 --> 00:17:19.830
and kept helping to promote the things
00:17:19.830 --> 00:17:21.720
that I was working on,
so I could concentrate
00:17:21.720 --> 00:17:23.876
on helping my mom with
my dad, and you know,
00:17:23.876 --> 00:17:26.010
when he was on hospice.
00:17:26.010 --> 00:17:28.680
So it was a beautiful experience to have
00:17:28.680 --> 00:17:30.240
those people that were around me
00:17:30.240 --> 00:17:31.710
that kept pushing the ball for me,
00:17:31.710 --> 00:17:34.879
even though I wasn't the
one taking the action.
00:17:34.879 --> 00:17:38.310
So there's so much beauty in that momentum
00:17:38.310 --> 00:17:39.630
and finding the right people
00:17:39.630 --> 00:17:41.706
that will help you carry that momentum
00:17:41.706 --> 00:17:44.523
as you grow in your business.
00:17:45.780 --> 00:17:47.130
- But you wouldn't have those people
00:17:47.130 --> 00:17:50.097
if you had not made the
investment in those relationships
00:17:50.097 --> 00:17:51.510
up front.
00:17:51.510 --> 00:17:53.130
The relationships were in place,
00:17:53.130 --> 00:17:57.283
they saw you were in need,
and they stepped into the gap.
00:17:57.283 --> 00:17:58.707
- Oh, absolutely.
00:17:58.707 --> 00:18:01.527
And that's where I think the
beauty of networking comes in.
00:18:01.527 --> 00:18:04.964
A lot of solo promoters and entrepreneurs
00:18:04.964 --> 00:18:08.700
struggle against networking
and haven't figured out
00:18:08.700 --> 00:18:10.800
networking is not a place to be selling.
00:18:10.800 --> 00:18:12.156
It's about community.
00:18:12.156 --> 00:18:14.700
It's where you're finding
your tribe of people
00:18:14.700 --> 00:18:17.430
that will surround you,
support you and help you grow.
00:18:17.430 --> 00:18:21.510
It's not about selling into your network.
00:18:21.510 --> 00:18:23.844
It's about creating those relationships
00:18:23.844 --> 00:18:26.310
with people that are willing to go out
00:18:26.310 --> 00:18:28.083
and tell everybody else about you.
00:18:29.384 --> 00:18:33.150
You know, I can probably
count on, you know, two hands,
00:18:33.150 --> 00:18:35.339
the people that were
actually in my network
00:18:35.339 --> 00:18:40.050
that were, well, no, there
was probably more than that.
00:18:40.050 --> 00:18:42.690
More than two hands that
have been my clients,
00:18:42.690 --> 00:18:47.160
but those clients have multiplied tenfold.
00:18:47.160 --> 00:18:49.500
And the people in my group multiplied
00:18:49.500 --> 00:18:51.690
just by watching their experience
00:18:51.690 --> 00:18:53.040
with the referrals that have come in.
00:18:53.040 --> 00:18:55.530
Most of my business has been referrals
00:18:55.530 --> 00:18:57.420
in the seven years that
I've been in business.
00:18:57.420 --> 00:19:00.480
Most of my clients have come
to me through referrals.
00:19:00.480 --> 00:19:02.190
It's beautiful.
00:19:02.190 --> 00:19:06.840
- Now I know you work with
clients in different areas.
00:19:06.840 --> 00:19:09.420
I introduce you as working particularly
00:19:09.420 --> 00:19:13.382
with coaches and consultants
and service providers.
00:19:13.382 --> 00:19:15.112
Of those three categories,
00:19:15.112 --> 00:19:20.112
to some extent all three
describe kind of what I do,
00:19:20.340 --> 00:19:21.360
but of those three,
00:19:21.360 --> 00:19:23.234
coaches, consultants
and service providers,
00:19:23.234 --> 00:19:27.510
do you find any group
struggles with this topic
00:19:27.510 --> 00:19:28.860
more than others,
00:19:28.860 --> 00:19:31.610
struggling with ditching to
pitch and start connecting?
00:19:32.910 --> 00:19:34.380
- It's funny that you ask that question
00:19:34.380 --> 00:19:38.430
because I used to refer to my client base,
00:19:38.430 --> 00:19:41.520
my ideal client, as business
owners, entrepreneurs,
00:19:41.520 --> 00:19:43.080
and professionals.
00:19:43.080 --> 00:19:45.840
When I started looking at my clients,
00:19:45.840 --> 00:19:47.670
like I really looked at my client history
00:19:47.670 --> 00:19:49.800
and discovered within my client history,
00:19:49.800 --> 00:19:52.439
it was really consultants,
coaches, and service providers
00:19:52.439 --> 00:19:55.127
that I've been working
with all of this time.
00:19:55.127 --> 00:19:58.680
And you know, that's
the beauty of looking,
00:19:58.680 --> 00:20:00.420
really understanding who
your ideal client is.
00:20:00.420 --> 00:20:02.400
When you can go, you
have a pool of clients
00:20:02.400 --> 00:20:03.780
that you've worked with historically,
00:20:03.780 --> 00:20:04.860
and you go back and look at,
00:20:04.860 --> 00:20:06.660
you have that aha moment of, oh my gosh,
00:20:06.660 --> 00:20:07.980
these are my people.
00:20:07.980 --> 00:20:09.930
I've been trying to
market to the wrong people
00:20:09.930 --> 00:20:10.763
all this time.
00:20:10.763 --> 00:20:13.299
And it wasn't necessarily
marketing to the wrong people.
00:20:13.299 --> 00:20:14.280
It was just a different verbiage
00:20:14.280 --> 00:20:16.770
cause yes, you know, coaches, consultants
00:20:16.770 --> 00:20:20.384
and service providers are
professionals, you know,
00:20:20.384 --> 00:20:23.130
business owners and entrepreneurs.
00:20:23.130 --> 00:20:25.620
But now I'm looking at
it in a different way
00:20:25.620 --> 00:20:26.550
and really marketing,
00:20:26.550 --> 00:20:30.090
messaging really goes to them differently.
00:20:30.090 --> 00:20:33.231
And I think that the beauty of it is
00:20:33.231 --> 00:20:36.840
just figuring out who it is
00:20:36.840 --> 00:20:39.570
that you're intended to work with, right?
00:20:39.570 --> 00:20:40.950
So in that pool,
00:20:40.950 --> 00:20:44.086
the coaches and consultants
and service providers,
00:20:44.086 --> 00:20:49.080
I feel like there is an
overlap in what they do.
00:20:49.080 --> 00:20:54.080
And for the most part, I
think my zone of genius,
00:20:54.564 --> 00:20:57.210
the ones that really
gravitate to what I do
00:20:57.210 --> 00:20:59.610
are the ones that I'm very
familiar with their work
00:20:59.610 --> 00:21:02.130
is the coaches because they're, you know,
00:21:02.130 --> 00:21:03.030
they're the teacher,
00:21:03.030 --> 00:21:04.670
they're the leader.
00:21:04.670 --> 00:21:06.210
They see themselves as
having that leadership role.
00:21:06.210 --> 00:21:10.620
And sometimes they get really entwined
00:21:10.620 --> 00:21:12.600
in what their clients are wanting
00:21:12.600 --> 00:21:16.090
as opposed to what they
want to offer, right?
00:21:16.090 --> 00:21:18.630
And I think there's sometimes,
we get a little mixed,
00:21:18.630 --> 00:21:21.150
and I've seen it a lot of
times in the creative side
00:21:21.150 --> 00:21:23.160
of that coaching world, right?
00:21:23.160 --> 00:21:25.772
We wanna, a lot of times
coaches get to the point
00:21:25.772 --> 00:21:26.910
where we're like, oh,
I can help with this,
00:21:26.910 --> 00:21:28.830
and I can help with that.
I can help with this.
00:21:28.830 --> 00:21:31.980
Figuring out how to stay in
your lane is a piece of it
00:21:31.980 --> 00:21:36.180
and understanding what your gifts are
00:21:36.180 --> 00:21:37.823
and being able to deliver that,
00:21:37.823 --> 00:21:40.530
especially when we get
into that creative mode.
00:21:40.530 --> 00:21:44.520
The creativity is amazing
in the coaching community,
00:21:44.520 --> 00:21:48.060
people creating programs
and products and services.
00:21:48.060 --> 00:21:49.530
I was talking to a friend
of mine the other day
00:21:49.530 --> 00:21:51.600
that's an amazing coach,
00:21:51.600 --> 00:21:56.405
and she's got like 13 different
programs that she offers.
00:21:56.405 --> 00:21:58.410
And I was blown away by that.
00:21:58.410 --> 00:22:01.167
And she's like, yeah, well, I
create stuff that people need.
00:22:01.167 --> 00:22:03.870
And I thought that was really interesting,
00:22:03.870 --> 00:22:04.703
but she's, you know,
00:22:04.703 --> 00:22:06.000
she's been in the coaching industry
00:22:06.000 --> 00:22:08.670
for probably as long as
I have in seven years,
00:22:08.670 --> 00:22:12.523
and she sees a need and
then wants to meet it.
00:22:12.523 --> 00:22:16.290
But the beautiful piece is now
she's developing a community
00:22:16.290 --> 00:22:18.210
where all of her community members
00:22:18.210 --> 00:22:21.810
will have access to all of those programs
00:22:21.810 --> 00:22:25.140
and be able to tap into
them when they feel like,
00:22:25.140 --> 00:22:26.550
oh, I'm struggling in this area.
00:22:26.550 --> 00:22:27.483
Let me try that.
00:22:28.470 --> 00:22:29.700
So they'll have access to it.
00:22:29.700 --> 00:22:32.010
So it's kind of, kind
of interesting to see.
00:22:32.010 --> 00:22:33.330
And I have seen a lot of coaches
00:22:33.330 --> 00:22:36.690
that kind of get lost in
that creativity space.
00:22:36.690 --> 00:22:39.993
And they're unsure of what to lead with.
00:22:42.672 --> 00:22:44.520
- You know, at the top of the podcast,
00:22:44.520 --> 00:22:47.460
we were talking a little
bit about networking events,
00:22:47.460 --> 00:22:50.070
and there's different
types of networking events.
00:22:50.070 --> 00:22:52.920
There was one in which everybody
just kind of goes in a room
00:22:52.920 --> 00:22:56.550
and this is probably dating myself,
00:22:56.550 --> 00:22:59.760
you exchange business cards,
and it's like speed dating.
00:22:59.760 --> 00:23:01.230
And I don't know to what extent
00:23:01.230 --> 00:23:04.320
that constitutes quality networking,
00:23:04.320 --> 00:23:07.740
but you set up a situation by which
00:23:07.740 --> 00:23:09.720
if you're at a networking event
00:23:09.720 --> 00:23:12.840
and everybody there is
given an opportunity
00:23:12.840 --> 00:23:15.090
to do their 30 seconds,
00:23:15.090 --> 00:23:17.670
that was kind of the setting
that you're describing
00:23:17.670 --> 00:23:19.950
is that in the example that I gave,
00:23:19.950 --> 00:23:22.564
this may not even come
close to your 30 second,
00:23:22.564 --> 00:23:26.370
but when you share
00:23:26.370 --> 00:23:30.450
that I help coaches, consultants
and service providers,
00:23:30.450 --> 00:23:33.090
the strength of that is
if the listener says,
00:23:33.090 --> 00:23:36.570
well, I don't do, I'm
not one of those three,
00:23:36.570 --> 00:23:38.700
but I know somebody who is,
00:23:38.700 --> 00:23:43.590
it immediately kind of puts
their head focusing on, hmm,
00:23:43.590 --> 00:23:48.590
I wonder if Laura could help
my friend Susan over here.
00:23:49.710 --> 00:23:54.390
And all you're trying to do
is get the ball rolling there.
00:23:54.390 --> 00:23:57.929
So thanks for letting me kind
of digress to an earlier part.
00:23:57.929 --> 00:24:00.750
I hesitate to do this, but
I'm gonna do it anyhow.
00:24:00.750 --> 00:24:03.720
And that is Laura, you work with clients,
00:24:03.720 --> 00:24:07.980
and you stress the importance
of that 30 seconds.
00:24:07.980 --> 00:24:11.850
If you are given that same opportunity
00:24:11.850 --> 00:24:13.140
to stand in front of the group
00:24:13.140 --> 00:24:15.510
and to share a little about
who you are and what you do,
00:24:15.510 --> 00:24:17.640
and they literally have a stopwatch.
00:24:17.640 --> 00:24:18.720
For those who are watching,
00:24:18.720 --> 00:24:20.670
they see the stopwatch over your shoulder,
00:24:20.670 --> 00:24:21.780
but they have a stopwatch.
00:24:21.780 --> 00:24:22.830
And if you run over,
00:24:22.830 --> 00:24:25.260
there's some type of
loud gong or something,
00:24:25.260 --> 00:24:27.120
but if you're given out an opportunity,
00:24:27.120 --> 00:24:31.923
how do you share with others
who you are and how you help?
00:24:32.961 --> 00:24:35.247
- So I wanna answer you in two parts
00:24:35.247 --> 00:24:38.272
cause I will give you
my 30 second commercial
00:24:38.272 --> 00:24:41.400
because I get tested all the time.
00:24:41.400 --> 00:24:43.799
People wanna make sure
that I'm within 30 seconds.
00:24:43.799 --> 00:24:45.420
But one of the things that you said
00:24:45.420 --> 00:24:48.210
that you touched on right
there was really interesting,
00:24:48.210 --> 00:24:50.640
but I wanna make sure that
we bring that point back,
00:24:50.640 --> 00:24:54.330
is that getting people to
think beyond themselves.
00:24:54.330 --> 00:24:55.680
And one of the ways you can do that
00:24:55.680 --> 00:24:58.650
is by asking a great
who do you know question
00:24:58.650 --> 00:25:00.090
to start your 30 second message?
00:25:00.090 --> 00:25:01.170
Who do you know?
00:25:01.170 --> 00:25:02.640
Who do you know that's
struggling with this?
00:25:02.640 --> 00:25:04.530
Or who do you know that doesn't,
00:25:04.530 --> 00:25:06.240
Who do you know that doesn't come to?
00:25:06.240 --> 00:25:07.170
All right, you ready for this one?
00:25:07.170 --> 00:25:08.525
Here I'll give you another one.
00:25:08.525 --> 00:25:09.358
- I am.
00:25:09.358 --> 00:25:11.760
- Okay, so who do you know
that avoids networking events
00:25:11.760 --> 00:25:15.227
because they are totally afraid
00:25:15.227 --> 00:25:17.700
of giving their 30 second message
00:25:17.700 --> 00:25:19.503
when it comes to networking?
00:25:20.580 --> 00:25:23.160
Well, I had a client who used
to go to the ladies' room
00:25:23.160 --> 00:25:25.760
and hide every time it was time
00:25:25.760 --> 00:25:27.210
to do the 30 second messages.
00:25:27.210 --> 00:25:28.140
We worked together.
00:25:28.140 --> 00:25:29.820
We figured out what her message was.
00:25:29.820 --> 00:25:32.190
She was able to deliver it with confidence
00:25:32.190 --> 00:25:34.598
and literally stomped her foot
00:25:34.598 --> 00:25:37.470
and received a standing ovation
00:25:37.470 --> 00:25:39.480
after doing her 30 second message.
00:25:39.480 --> 00:25:42.930
That's what I do when I help
clients overcome their fears
00:25:42.930 --> 00:25:44.820
around 30 Second Success.
00:25:44.820 --> 00:25:48.360
So I'm Laura Templeton
with 30 Second Success.
00:25:48.360 --> 00:25:50.340
- Beautifully, I did not have a stopwatch.
00:25:50.340 --> 00:25:53.370
I'm sure it came right
in under 30 seconds.
00:25:53.370 --> 00:25:57.990
Beautifully crafted,
beautifully delivered.
00:25:57.990 --> 00:26:00.450
Can we take just a moment
and break that down?
00:26:00.450 --> 00:26:03.420
Why did you say some of things you said?
00:26:03.420 --> 00:26:06.480
You opened with a great
question, who do you know?
00:26:06.480 --> 00:26:09.990
Can you kinda walk us
through those components?
00:26:09.990 --> 00:26:11.880
- Absolutely, so in my, you know,
00:26:11.880 --> 00:26:14.084
in my book, in all the work
that I do with my courses,
00:26:14.084 --> 00:26:15.930
and even when I'm working with clients,
00:26:15.930 --> 00:26:18.990
I teach people a simple formula
that I've used for years.
00:26:18.990 --> 00:26:21.420
It was something that I learned
years ago from Brian Tracy.
00:26:21.420 --> 00:26:22.500
I just made it my own
00:26:22.500 --> 00:26:24.870
and figured out how to
make it work for me.
00:26:24.870 --> 00:26:28.950
And you know, we know Brian
and his Rolodex, right?
00:26:28.950 --> 00:26:30.990
You know, the whole idea of the Rolodex.
00:26:30.990 --> 00:26:32.850
But one of the things that
I learned from him years ago
00:26:32.850 --> 00:26:35.400
was how to do that 30 second message.
00:26:35.400 --> 00:26:39.990
And it's, the simple formula
behind it is what's the pain?
00:26:39.990 --> 00:26:42.930
So you know, who do you know
the struggles with, you know,
00:26:42.930 --> 00:26:45.780
doing their 30 second message
when it comes to networking?
00:26:45.780 --> 00:26:46.800
That's the pain.
00:26:46.800 --> 00:26:48.510
How do you solve their problem?
00:26:48.510 --> 00:26:51.600
Well, I had a client who used
to run to the lady's room.
00:26:51.600 --> 00:26:53.580
We worked together to
figure out what it was
00:26:53.580 --> 00:26:55.980
that she needed to share, and
then she was able to share it.
00:26:55.980 --> 00:26:58.800
So I used a story, right?
00:26:58.800 --> 00:27:01.740
So I did actually share,
I used it as a story,
00:27:01.740 --> 00:27:02.573
which is great.
00:27:02.573 --> 00:27:05.250
A lot of people are really
into storytelling these days.
00:27:05.250 --> 00:27:07.410
And then, you know, so it's the pain,
00:27:07.410 --> 00:27:10.500
how did you solve the problem,
and then your call to action.
00:27:10.500 --> 00:27:13.260
A lot of people forget to
include their call to action.
00:27:13.260 --> 00:27:14.862
What do you want people to do
00:27:14.862 --> 00:27:16.863
once they know that they need your help?
00:27:17.850 --> 00:27:20.100
So whether it's you want them
to schedule a call with you,
00:27:20.100 --> 00:27:21.090
whether it's, you know,
00:27:21.090 --> 00:27:23.190
if you want them to visit your website,
00:27:23.190 --> 00:27:25.828
make sure that it's a very
strong call to action.
00:27:25.828 --> 00:27:27.540
And I go into some detail
00:27:27.540 --> 00:27:31.418
about why not to use the
word please in my book
00:27:31.418 --> 00:27:32.580
and in the work that I do.
00:27:32.580 --> 00:27:34.860
And it's, again, it has a lot to do
00:27:34.860 --> 00:27:37.290
with the strength and power behind a call.
00:27:37.290 --> 00:27:38.880
A call to action needs to be strong
00:27:38.880 --> 00:27:40.620
because you want people to move.
00:27:40.620 --> 00:27:44.160
You basically want to give
them a command to move forward.
00:27:44.160 --> 00:27:48.600
If this fits them, you know,
you want them to move forward.
00:27:48.600 --> 00:27:51.690
Now the commercial that I
gave you was off the cuff.
00:27:51.690 --> 00:27:53.490
I really kind of edited it a little bit
00:27:53.490 --> 00:27:54.330
while we were doing this
00:27:54.330 --> 00:27:56.530
because I wanted to use the
who do you know question,
00:27:56.530 --> 00:27:59.108
but then again, making
sure that you always close
00:27:59.108 --> 00:28:01.740
with your name and company at the end.
00:28:01.740 --> 00:28:03.450
And the reason why I
tell people to do that,
00:28:03.450 --> 00:28:04.560
don't start with it.
00:28:04.560 --> 00:28:05.910
Some people still start with it
00:28:05.910 --> 00:28:07.590
because you know, their group kind of,
00:28:07.590 --> 00:28:09.720
they emulate whatever the group is doing,
00:28:09.720 --> 00:28:11.228
especially in virtual networking.
00:28:11.228 --> 00:28:13.470
But when you end with it,
00:28:13.470 --> 00:28:15.030
make sure that even if you start with it,
00:28:15.030 --> 00:28:16.770
still end with your name and company
00:28:16.770 --> 00:28:18.240
because you want people
to have an opportunity
00:28:18.240 --> 00:28:20.100
to write it down.
00:28:20.100 --> 00:28:22.260
And because once they know that
they need to work with you,
00:28:22.260 --> 00:28:25.454
especially when you're in a
setting where it's in person,
00:28:25.454 --> 00:28:28.680
then your name is not
written on the screen
00:28:28.680 --> 00:28:30.720
for people to copy, write it down.
00:28:30.720 --> 00:28:33.780
So you wanna make sure
that you say your name
00:28:33.780 --> 00:28:35.139
and your company.
00:28:35.139 --> 00:28:35.972
I've actually had people say to me,
00:28:35.972 --> 00:28:37.560
I've been in a networking event before
00:28:37.560 --> 00:28:40.680
where a young man gave a
really great 30 second message
00:28:40.680 --> 00:28:43.950
and totally forgot to say his name at all.
00:28:43.950 --> 00:28:45.630
And the girl next to me
is going what's his name?
00:28:45.630 --> 00:28:46.941
What's his name?
00:28:46.941 --> 00:28:48.330
Who is he?
00:28:48.330 --> 00:28:50.340
Oh, yeah, maybe he should
have said his name,
00:28:50.340 --> 00:28:54.183
but luckily he was not one of
my clients, so I could not,
00:28:55.410 --> 00:28:57.360
it was not like (sighing).
00:28:57.360 --> 00:29:00.120
Maybe I need to have him as
one of my clients, but yeah.
00:29:00.120 --> 00:29:03.030
So it is, you know, it's very methodical.
00:29:03.030 --> 00:29:04.590
It's the pain, the solution.
00:29:04.590 --> 00:29:06.270
How do you solve their problems?
00:29:06.270 --> 00:29:08.433
And your call to action and who you are.
00:29:09.840 --> 00:29:13.020
- Excellent, Laura, as
you kind of reflect on,
00:29:13.020 --> 00:29:14.670
you just gave us a good example
00:29:14.670 --> 00:29:17.910
of how you might have
helped a potential client
00:29:17.910 --> 00:29:19.560
or an actual client get unstuck
00:29:19.560 --> 00:29:21.870
with their anxiety about giving
00:29:21.870 --> 00:29:24.060
the 30 second commercial on that.
00:29:24.060 --> 00:29:25.350
Can you think of any other example
00:29:25.350 --> 00:29:28.080
by which you helped a client get unstuck
00:29:28.080 --> 00:29:30.922
and what did it take to get unstuck?
00:29:30.922 --> 00:29:32.160
- Beautiful question.
00:29:32.160 --> 00:29:34.950
I have one of my very favorite clients,
00:29:34.950 --> 00:29:36.870
she really struggled for a very long time,
00:29:36.870 --> 00:29:39.210
and I literally would
write commercials for her.
00:29:39.210 --> 00:29:40.950
And we'd be sitting, we'd
have a couple, you know,
00:29:40.950 --> 00:29:42.330
sit for an hour, do a session.
00:29:42.330 --> 00:29:44.700
This is very early on in my practice.
00:29:44.700 --> 00:29:47.550
And what I found was, we
would write commercials,
00:29:47.550 --> 00:29:50.580
and she would be so in love
with 'em, and the next day,
00:29:50.580 --> 00:29:52.770
day or two would go by,
and I'd get a phone call,
00:29:52.770 --> 00:29:54.300
I'm not feeling it.
00:29:54.300 --> 00:29:58.380
She really struggled with
number one, memorization.
00:29:58.380 --> 00:30:02.970
Number two, she was someone who very,
00:30:03.810 --> 00:30:05.820
she's a storyteller by trade, you know,
00:30:05.820 --> 00:30:07.410
like that's just who she is.
00:30:07.410 --> 00:30:09.000
It was her personality.
00:30:09.000 --> 00:30:12.240
And she was really struggling
to find the right message
00:30:12.240 --> 00:30:13.140
that would work for her.
00:30:13.140 --> 00:30:18.140
So I made sure that I educated
her on the formula, right?
00:30:18.720 --> 00:30:20.670
Really worked with her
to understand, okay,
00:30:20.670 --> 00:30:21.810
if you're gonna wing it,
00:30:21.810 --> 00:30:24.630
you have to at least have
the formula in front of you.
00:30:24.630 --> 00:30:26.280
Remember just write it on a cue card.
00:30:26.280 --> 00:30:28.980
Pain, solution, call to
action and who you are.
00:30:28.980 --> 00:30:30.960
But then I went a little bit further,
00:30:30.960 --> 00:30:34.380
and I taught her how to
tell her 30 second message
00:30:34.380 --> 00:30:37.260
in story format, as a story.
00:30:37.260 --> 00:30:39.690
And I said, look, you've
got amazing stories
00:30:39.690 --> 00:30:40.860
about your client work.
00:30:40.860 --> 00:30:43.050
Why are you not telling your stories?
00:30:43.050 --> 00:30:44.820
She goes, I can't do that in 30 seconds.
00:30:44.820 --> 00:30:46.740
I'm like, yes, you can.
00:30:46.740 --> 00:30:48.180
I can teach you.
00:30:48.180 --> 00:30:51.930
And so we really, I really
went through a process with her
00:30:51.930 --> 00:30:55.085
of, you know, how to shorten the story.
00:30:55.085 --> 00:30:55.918
And it was beautiful.
00:30:55.918 --> 00:30:58.113
The first, it was funny because
the first, it's not funny.
00:30:58.113 --> 00:31:02.970
It was beautiful because the
first time she delivered it
00:31:02.970 --> 00:31:05.010
in a networking setting
00:31:05.010 --> 00:31:07.969
where we had networked with
these same women for, you know,
00:31:07.969 --> 00:31:09.210
a couple years, and they all,
00:31:09.210 --> 00:31:11.970
we all watched her
struggle with her message.
00:31:11.970 --> 00:31:14.040
The first time she delivered her message
00:31:14.040 --> 00:31:17.070
in the story format, people
had tears in their eyes
00:31:17.070 --> 00:31:19.050
cause not, number one,
it was a beautiful story.
00:31:19.050 --> 00:31:22.920
She told it very, you know,
like really tied the emotion in.
00:31:22.920 --> 00:31:25.800
Like you could really feel how
emotionally attached she was
00:31:25.800 --> 00:31:28.770
to this story and how
exciting it was for her.
00:31:28.770 --> 00:31:30.930
But everybody was like cheering for her
00:31:30.930 --> 00:31:33.240
when she was done doing
her 30 second commercial.
00:31:33.240 --> 00:31:35.970
So it was beautiful to see
that she came out of that.
00:31:35.970 --> 00:31:38.190
And since then, she's just been a dynamo.
00:31:38.190 --> 00:31:40.740
She doesn't struggle with her
30 second commercials anymore.
00:31:40.740 --> 00:31:41.880
As a matter of fact, she teaches,
00:31:41.880 --> 00:31:45.480
she helps other people with
their 30 second messages,
00:31:45.480 --> 00:31:46.440
which I'm okay with.
00:31:46.440 --> 00:31:48.993
So, you know, sometimes
she sends people to me
00:31:48.993 --> 00:31:50.760
if it's a little harder,
00:31:50.760 --> 00:31:53.319
but you know, she just
tells them what I told her,
00:31:53.319 --> 00:31:54.711
and I love that.
00:31:54.711 --> 00:31:55.770
I think that's, you know,
00:31:55.770 --> 00:31:58.203
one of the best testimonials
I could ever have.
00:31:59.040 --> 00:31:59.873
- Couldn't agree more.
00:31:59.873 --> 00:32:02.340
What a wonderful transformation
and a good example
00:32:02.340 --> 00:32:05.190
of how you helped and persistence paid off
00:32:05.190 --> 00:32:09.660
in helping her find her voice
in a storytelling fashion.
00:32:09.660 --> 00:32:13.403
You know, Laura, we've covered
a lot in this conversation,
00:32:13.403 --> 00:32:17.973
but what do you want our
listeners to have as takeaways?
00:32:18.930 --> 00:32:21.480
- Well, I think the
biggest thing to remember
00:32:21.480 --> 00:32:25.260
is that your 30 second message,
it's a way to open doors.
00:32:25.260 --> 00:32:28.080
Right, think about it
as a way to open doors.
00:32:28.080 --> 00:32:31.050
It's not about telling
someone everything that you do
00:32:31.050 --> 00:32:34.350
or trying to make a sale
in the moment, right?
00:32:34.350 --> 00:32:37.230
Be intentional about listening.
00:32:37.230 --> 00:32:39.000
Get really good at listening.
00:32:39.000 --> 00:32:41.310
Invite people to have virtual coffees
00:32:41.310 --> 00:32:42.570
if you can't do it in person
00:32:42.570 --> 00:32:45.160
or if you wanna save some
time, do it virtually,
00:32:45.160 --> 00:32:48.780
but invite people to have very
good conversations with you
00:32:48.780 --> 00:32:51.060
and be intentional about
the questions that you ask.
00:32:51.060 --> 00:32:52.440
Ask them about their business.
00:32:52.440 --> 00:32:54.979
Ask them how, what can
you do to help them.
00:32:54.979 --> 00:32:58.029
And do that, right?
00:32:58.029 --> 00:33:00.120
You mentioned that in our conversation,
00:33:00.120 --> 00:33:03.270
and that's what I work with all the time.
00:33:03.270 --> 00:33:06.000
That's how I serve my audience
00:33:06.000 --> 00:33:07.380
and the people that I network with.
00:33:07.380 --> 00:33:10.740
And you know, one thing that
somebody shared with me,
00:33:10.740 --> 00:33:12.570
and I'll leave you with this is
00:33:12.570 --> 00:33:16.050
there's an old adage that
someone shared with her,
00:33:16.050 --> 00:33:18.303
and it was give to get to give.
00:33:19.470 --> 00:33:22.110
So when you give, and
you continuously give,
00:33:22.110 --> 00:33:24.450
eventually it comes back to you,
00:33:24.450 --> 00:33:26.125
but then you've gotta give it away.
00:33:26.125 --> 00:33:27.387
You don't keep it.
00:33:27.387 --> 00:33:28.983
You just gotta keep giving.
00:33:29.910 --> 00:33:32.640
And that's the purpose of
networking and connecting.
00:33:32.640 --> 00:33:33.600
It's about giving.
00:33:33.600 --> 00:33:34.530
It's not about getting.
00:33:34.530 --> 00:33:35.463
It's about giving.
00:33:36.660 --> 00:33:37.950
- Well, you model that beautifully.
00:33:37.950 --> 00:33:42.950
You gave us some great ideas to act upon.
00:33:43.260 --> 00:33:44.640
I've mentioned the book.
00:33:44.640 --> 00:33:47.250
Can you repeat again the
name of the book please?
00:33:47.250 --> 00:33:48.697
- Yes, it's "30 Second Success:
00:33:48.697 --> 00:33:51.120
"Ditch the Pitch and Start Connecting."
00:33:51.120 --> 00:33:53.670
- And how do I get that
book, if I wanna order it?
00:33:53.670 --> 00:33:57.090
- It's available on Amazon
and on Barnes & Noble.
00:33:57.090 --> 00:33:59.576
Most of the book stores carry it now, too.
00:33:59.576 --> 00:34:03.000
- Wonderful, and I wish
you well on this next book.
00:34:03.000 --> 00:34:03.866
That's exciting.
00:34:03.866 --> 00:34:06.270
- Yes, thank you so much.
00:34:06.270 --> 00:34:09.496
Yes, it'll be the foundational
piece, 30 second success.
00:34:09.496 --> 00:34:12.185
That's, I'm excited about that.
00:34:12.185 --> 00:34:14.298
- Laura, Thank you.
00:34:14.298 --> 00:34:16.290
- Thank you for having me.
00:34:16.290 --> 00:34:17.640
I appreciate you having me here, Mike.
00:34:17.640 --> 00:34:19.340
It was great to talk to you again.
00:34:20.760 --> 00:34:24.270
- I also wanna thank our
listeners for joining us today.
00:34:24.270 --> 00:34:26.790
Because we upload the latest
episode every Thursday
00:34:26.790 --> 00:34:30.840
to all the major platforms,
including Apple and Spotify.
00:34:30.840 --> 00:34:32.793
So if you've enjoyed
this episode with Laura,
00:34:32.793 --> 00:34:34.412
please subscribe.
00:34:34.412 --> 00:34:36.870
Are you trying to grow your business
00:34:36.870 --> 00:34:39.150
and you wanna make sure
you've got the right people,
00:34:39.150 --> 00:34:43.110
processes and planning systems
in place to grow smoothly?
00:34:43.110 --> 00:34:45.360
If yes, let's talk.
00:34:45.360 --> 00:34:47.220
Head over to
00:34:47.220 --> 00:34:50.550
and schedule a quick non-sales call.
00:34:50.550 --> 00:34:52.290
We'll talk about your growth goals,
00:34:52.290 --> 00:34:54.240
and I'll offer you some actionable advice
00:34:54.240 --> 00:34:56.580
to help you grow your business.
00:34:56.580 --> 00:34:58.290
So I wanna thank you for joining us,
00:34:58.290 --> 00:35:01.140
and I hope you have picked
up on some tips from Laura
00:35:01.140 --> 00:35:04.920
that'll help you get
unstuck and on target.
00:35:04.920 --> 00:35:06.032
Until next time.
00:35:06.032 --> 00:35:08.615
(upbeat music)