“Business success is predictable, failure is inevitable, and change is required. If you are not willing to change, improve your systems, strategies, and mind, your business will inevitably fail.”
-Nahchon Guyton
Nahchon Guyton’s Biography
Nahchon has an innate desire to influence people’s thinking which has a long-term impact on their life. Nahchon began his professional career in training and development in the early 2000s. His one-of-a-kind, encouraging, inspiring, and thought-provoking nature. He encourages you to think beyond the regular mediocrity. He uses this skill as a business coach to lead, position, and establish concrete plans for business owners, helping them be the BEST CEO and developing a lucrative enterprise that functions without them.
Questions in This Episode
- This term, the developer. Why has that stuck with you?
- What is it about fear that paralyzes?
- In which ways have you found business leaders, business owners encountering or failure to encounter fear, and what has the consequence of not effectively addressing those landmines?
- Do you ever deal with the issue of fear from a sales standpoint? Fear of reaching out?
Links & Resources Mentioned…
- Nahchon’s Website –Â https://themlbcoach.com/
- Nahchon’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/nahchon-the-developer-guyton-60493816/
Mike O'Neill: [00:00:00] Welcome back to the Get Unstuck In On Target podcast. I'm Mike O'Neill with Bench Builders and as a coach, I work with owners and leaders who try to grow their business, but they're struggling most often. They're struggling with people, process, or planning problems. Joining me today is Nahchon Guyton, Nahchon is the founder of the MLB Coaching Program, MLB Coaching addresses, mind, life and business. So I wanna welcome the developer Nahchon Guyton. Welcome.
Nahchon Guyton: Thank you, Mike. It was a pleasure being on this, on your podcast. I like what you're doing and so it's, it's an honor just to be here.
Mike O'Neill: For those who are watching this on YouTube, they see it reads Nahchon, the developer guiding, and so it just makes logical sense. Why don't we start with that? Tell me a little bit. This term, the developer. Why [00:01:00] has that stuck with you?
Nahchon Guyton: Well, that stuck with me. Mike, when I, when I took, I went to a retreat, it's an in, it's a retreat called Injuries. So anyone has actually been through, it's through a Christian organization. Is that actually at the church I was attending at the time. And we go out for three, three days and we do this un unpacking of who, our, who, who we are on a spiritual level and one of the, and one of the segments inside of there. There's this part in the Bible where God gives you a white rock, a white rock name. Mm-hmm. . So we're sitting in the classroom and before we even get dismissed, God has already spoken to me, told me what the name is.
It's a developer. So we get about an hour and 20 minutes to go while we're into the wilderness by ourselves with the in, in nature, seeking gods for our new name. Well, I'm, I'm arguing the whole hour and maybe 10, 20 minutes with God, but right before the, the bell rings to come back to the class. About this name cuz I had the name before I left the room. And I'm arguing and I'm arguing. And then finally God takes me into a scripture where he says, and [00:02:00] it reads, the last part of the scripture reads, what about this? Don't you understand? And I knew at that point the Father stopped talking to me. He says, that's the name. That was in 2016. Fast forward, I didn't start embracing the name to 2020 because I still was in arguments.
I was looking for other words, other ways to describe the. and it, it just, I really embraced it After the look at going through the, the coming to the tail end of the pandemic, if we wanna say we're actually out of it, we're still in that process, but coming to the tail end of the pandemic and, and I just kind of started to feel comfortable with the developer and so I said, you know what, I'm gonna just embrace this and see, Lord, what you want me to do with this. So I, I put it on. and just put on everything. And it just stuck. So when I put my name out and, which is the, another unique thing about that is my middle initial is actually D. So if I put Nahchon D, people say, oh, that means developer now. Great. It's perfect. So I embraced it, but I fought it because it, I didn't like the way it sounded, it didn't sound like a name. It sounded [00:03:00] more like a title. Hmm. And so me and the father had a, like I said, a a long argument, but you know, Anyone who's following the Holy Spirit, the father always wins .
Mike O'Neill: Well, Nahchon, this might surprise people because in light of what you just shared, the topic that we're gonna talk about might sound like it's maybe contradictory to what we just kind of talked about, and that is a bit of your spiritual walk because the, the topic we're going with is The F-Bomb. Unearthing and disarming anxiety landmines in everyday life. Now, for those who think, oh Mike, you're jeopardizing your G rating for this podcast. Worry not, but the F bomb, we're treating that F as fear and so absolutely. May I share a quote from some information that you. Have online and it reads. Fear is a dream killer. It can paralyze you and make you rethink everything [00:04:00] you have already accomplished. Overcoming fear is paramount to your ultimate success. Don't be afraid to try anything new or change your strategy. Work your plan. What's preventing you from achieving your goals? What makes you feel insecure? And whom do you need to rally around to move forward? Now I've took that off your website, the MLB coaching website, and I think it obviously kind of clarifies how you can come alongside your clients in dealing with the F Bomb fear. Yes. Mm-hmm. , what is it about fear that paralyzes.
Nahchon Guyton: Well, there's two types of fear. There is the clear and present danger, fear, which is the fear of an animal, coming at you. You think about our, we go back to our native, our primal brain is, we had that fear. So its fight, fight, freeze, or flight. Mm. All right. So we have, [00:05:00] there's, there's two fights in us. One is like, okay, I can, I can, I can run to get a little space where I can fight whatever's coming at me, or I can stand at that moment and. I can flee and I just run away and I don't, I don't stop or I freeze. Okay, so that's the typical for clear and present danger. Fear that fear is real. That means, hey, there's something that can take your, take your life. You need to res, you need to respond accordingly. But then there's the anxiety, fear, and that's the F dot e dot a r type fear, which is a false events appearing real, where we create this fear in our.
By overthinking about something consistently, and then that overthinking about it or, or that unsurety of something builds up this anxiety. And when that anxiety comes up, it creates FBOs. And FBOs are like landmines that you plant. If you, if you're any, if any one of your listeners are like historians and you know, from World One and World ii, they had. [00:06:00] And what the landmine was designed to do is to create a perimeter around a particular place. So if someone went through there, it, one, it'll alert them and then secondly, it'll blow them up. Mm-hmm. . Well, an F bomb is just like that. It's a fear that we've created and dropped into the ground. Never, never faced that fear. So now it's sitting there. So when an opportunity comes up that feels like that fear, it explodes in our. and that causes us to have to regroup, figure out exactly what it is that we are afraid of and we haven't, most people don't know. Well that was a fear you placed when you were 10, when you made the statement, I will never let this. And then here you are looking at this. Now you have to de disarm that F Bomb.
Mike O'Neill: You know, I love the way you describe it, and you kind of make reference to oftentimes the root of these things go back. Yes. [00:07:00] To an early age. As you know, our listeners are business leaders. Mm-hmm. business owners. That's right. In which ways have you found business leaders, business owners encountering or failure to encounter fear, and what has the consequence of not effectively addressing those landmines?
Nahchon Guyton: Well, usually the thing that's unique about an owner and or owner, executive or leader in an organization or company is that when they face fear, they become a bully. Hmm. They, they force their way through. They, they, I call it, they punch their way through. They make it where, Hey, this is the way it's gonna be because I'm the boss and you're gonna do it. , no one's actually able to call them all their fear because one, no one recognizes what that is. Actually fear. When you're a bully, you're operating from a state of fear. I don't care if you're, if you're a five year old bully or if you are a hundred year old, bully. If [00:08:00] you're a bully, it's a place of fear. Now, what's driving that fear requires a conversation with someone like myself to kind unearth that. But usually that's one instance. So when I see, when I walk into an organization and I see that the leadership is pushing versus pull, versus leading, then I recognize that there's some fear in place.
So once I recognize that there's fear in place, then I look at the organizations and see and ask the folks as underneath that leader, how do you feel about coming to work every day? Do you feel heard? Do you feel connection with the leadership's agenda? Or do you feel pushed? And if I ask that question, they say, you know, I, when I started this job, I really liked the. But I kind of feel pushed. So now I ask the leadership, I say, how are you connecting to your team? Are you, are you letting them bring solutions or are you running the agenda all the time? Every [00:09:00] time. And they'll say, well, I'm running the agenda all the time, every time, because I need it to be done a certain way.
And then I'll stop and I'll say, so tell me what are you afraid of? And usually the leader will say, nation, I'm not really afraid of. When you, according to that, I said, are you sure? Are, you are? Cuz what I'm sensing, and I'll, I'll use these words. What I'm sensing and what I'm feeling is that you are afraid to let them take the lead and that you may lose control of your business. Is that possible that, that's a fear of yours? Well, I, I, it's a concern. It's not really a fear, but it's a concern. It's okay. And, but if you don't let them. that means you're gonna stagnate. Is that, is, is that a true assessment? And, and they'll say, yeah, that, that's a true assessment. I said, okay. So if there's stagnation in a, in in your business, what's the long term implications of the stagnation? And then they'll begin to uncover for themselves. I led them. The que through the [00:10:00] questions, but they begin undercover themselves and they start to list off what could happen. So then I'll ask them, out of those things that you've just told me, what are you most concerned about?
Then I change the verbiage from fear to concern. Cause that's cause that's what they use. I said, what are you most concerned about? And they'll list off one or two things. I said, out of those two to three things, you listed what it will be, your top. and then we'll start there and then we'll go back and what's with nine times outta 10? What I find is it goes back to a past experience of why they operated the way they operated, whether it was done to them and they thought that was the way to do it, or they had, they felt like an imposter and they didn't know what they were doing, so they felt that they had to throw their position and title around to get things done instead of learning how to communicate effectively with their team and run that agenda. Through the innovation of the team and the collaboration of the team. And once [00:11:00] that happens, things moved a lot smoother, forward. But when they were, I had this one client that I was, I was in the process of working with, but he never hired me and he didn't hire me because when I began to unearth his fears and concerns, it was so tied to his identity that he wasn't ready to release it.
Making a lot of money as a, as an organization, but it had a high turnover. High turnover, I'm saying every couple months, losing key people every couple months, cut, couple months, every couple months. So I asked him, I said, is that the way you wanna run your organization? And his his response was, it's working because I'm making money. I said, okay. And I stopped talking to him. Mm-hmm. , because he, he told me he, it wasn't about having a well run organization, it was about making money for him. . And when a person's at that state, there's nothing you can do except for wait till the, till the bottom drops out. For them to be humbled enough [00:12:00] to listen to your process and how you're doing it is not actually the results you're gonna, you, you want to obtain long term. You have to make some adjustments.
Mike O'Neill: For those who listen to this podcast, you may be surprised to learn that our conversations are not scripted. You have no idea what I'm going. More often. I don't, I don't know what I'm gonna ask because I really wanna follow up and see where the conversation goes. Okay. You, you mentioned business owners and sometimes the, the fear, is manifests in, in a form of bullying. Mm-hmm. , I wanna shift a little bit and that is, a different type of fear and that is I'm a member of, a trustee. Okay. For those who don't know what that is, this is a group of business owners who come together on a regular basis and we kinda act as each other's board of directors.
Okay. And therefore we tap into their expertise. But the term trust equity is the marriage of the word trust and integrity. [00:13:00] Mm-hmm. , in our meeting last week, the topic of fear of sales came up. Mm. , meaning I'm a business owner and I know I have to do business development, but the recurring theme is, but I don't wanna sell like a sleazy salesperson. Mm. And as a result, they just sidestep it if they can. Yes. And that can be a problem for an organization when the owner of key leader doesn't step into that role of sales because of some fear. Mm-hmm. , some sense that there's land. , you don't know this is coming, but do you ever deal with the issue of fear from a sales standpoint? Fear of reaching out? Yes. Or fear of rejection? In what ways have you found that kind of comes to, to light?
Nahchon Guyton: It comes to light in a lot of ways. One way this, it's funny that you brought that up. Yeah. Cuz I'm doing a 12 week workshop right now here in the [00:14:00] Houston area and it is called Speak Like A Pro in 12 weeks.
And one of the things behind, it's really not really becoming a professional speaker. That's the goal of it. It's really presentation mastery. It's a mastery of commun a communication mastery. So what we've, what we've developed here at, at SEO and the M L B through m l B program is when you're selling something to someone, you feel sleazy. And so do they. Hmm. Because you're the whole process of. There's this negative connotation for the the used car salesperson. They're gonna get me, they're gonna get over on me, they're gonna con me. They're, they're gonna convince me to buy something that I don't want, don't need. And so what, what we teach is not to sell.
If you want to increase your profitability, stop selling, start presenting, and you're presenting to the audience based off what they know, connected to what they don't know, [00:15:00] so you can show them. to get what they want through your product or your service. So when you take selling out of it and presenting and put that in its place, then the fear is gone. Now there's another fear that will, that will begin to to come to the surface when that happens, and that is public. , hence why we created the masterclass for speak like a Pro in 12 weeks, to get them past that process of public speaking. Public speaking is the number one fear of any person on the planet outside of just dying abruptly.
Hmm. So when you think about that, why would I fear speaking in public? Well, it goes back to on a psychological level, it goes back to the baseline of. We do not want to look stupid, feel stupid, or feel insignificant. And what's the quickest way for for you to look stupid and feel stupid when you say something and the [00:16:00] response from the audience, whomever that may be, gives you that look as though my or nation, you're pretty stupid when you said that. And that crushes our confidence to go out and speak. So what we teach is how do you get past? How do you deal with the distractions in your head? Because it's all based on the story that we tell ourselves. Like the bully owners that we were talking about earlier, they tell themselves that this is the only way to get the things done.
And so when I come into the organization, I say, do you believe that there's only one way for you to to drive home? And it's like, no, there's a couple routes, but you take, take the same route every day. Yes. And I'll, they'll, I'll say, why do you take that? And they'll say, because it's efficient, because it's comfortable. I said, exactly. I said, you just told me there's another way, but you're doing this because of this way. And that goes back to how we get around the sales. And when I say, what do you think [00:17:00] about a salesperson? Oh, they're, con artists. They're really good at talking to people into things I need on my team, but however, and they come up with this whole narrative or this whole story, and I say, can I help you stop selling? And, and understand this, understand this quote, everyone wants to buy, but no one wants to be sold. So how can they buy if they're not sold through presentation? So when you present a solution based off of the audience, knowing where they're having the, the, the problem, knowing where, what the goals are, and you say, here's our solution. You tell me, does this work for you? , I don't sell you. At that point, you sell yourself because you know, you can see, yes, this will fit what I need, so therefore I want you to help me. I said, your sales team, when you do that, your sales will go up at least 10 to 20% guaranteed because [00:18:00] now they're company, they realize they don't have to, they don't have to sell anybody.
And then I say, stop looking at the numbers as an indicator of an effect of sales. , and this is where I run into the, the biggest challenge when I'm talking to owners says, stop tracking the numbers. Start tracking the engagements. How engaged are the folks after presentation with your business? Do they call and ask more questions? Are there, they may take a while to get to that, to them saying, yes, you are my solution, but the fact that they're engaged is giving you more opportunities to show and prove that you're their. . Now the, well, I know I gotta, I gotta sales the bottom line. I gotta increase the bottom line. I said, no, you need to increase the relationships and connections with those people and that will drive the bottom line. It's a slower process initially, but once your team gets used to it, it, it speeds up rapidly. So we deal with sales by Stop Selling [00:19:00]
Mike O'Neill: Nahchon, you mentioned that it comes down to relationships. I was, posting on LinkedIn this morning and someone commented on my post and the person wrote down that it's kind of their organization's mantra, and that is trust before transaction. . Mm-hmm. . I had not seen that term, but it just seemed, it resonated with me. And to some extent it ties perfectly back to what you just said on multiple levels, and that is you're building a relationship. You're not selling, but in building a relationship, part of doing that is helping overcome some of those perhaps fears. Right. You know, we talked about public speaking, but when you help. have more confidence when they're speaking publicly. One might think that's in front of a large audience, but that public speaking could be in front of a much smaller group. And if you're going in [00:20:00] and you just have more self-confidence about mm-hmm. , this is gonna be a presentation, but it, it really is, I'm putting myself out there. Right. You know, you may be talking. Features and benefits of your products and service. But what they're really doing is assessing you. They're trying to decide, yes, is this someone who I want to enter into a relationship with?
Nahchon Guyton: Absolutely. And on that public speaking piece, Mike, what I tell them is, public speaking happens whenever you are talking to someone who's not you. Hmm. You're in the public. That means you're exposed. It's not about how big the, the audience. It's about the fact that you're out of your head and you're talking to someone else. You're public speaking when you're talking to your wife, to your children, to your friends. And so I asked them, I said, are you challenged talking to them? And they say, no. I say, so, why not? Well, I know them. [00:21:00] I said, Hmm. So the speaking is not the problem then. It's your perception of the audience. So let's deal with your perception of the. Whenever you leave and you go out to speak one-on-one, one to a hundred, one to a million, the audience is what you have to know. What's the fastest way to get to know the audience? Why are they listening? Why are they here to listen to me? What do they expect and where are they looking to grow? And you bring your presentation to answer those three. Now you know the audience, and now they get opportunity to know you. , but stop thinking that because you are in front of someone that you're, that you know you're not public speaking because when you're speaking out at a restaurant, you're talking, we're talking at a table across from each other, just you and I, Mike, and we're speaking.
The opportunity for others to [00:22:00] hear our conversation is great. Correct? It is. So that puts me where in the public and when I, when I'm, when I bring it to them that way, they're like, I never thought about it, and that brings the anxiety down another notch. And then I said, okay, let me give you something else about sales, public speaking and confidence Sales is the results of solve any problem for someone.
They bought your product. That's sales, so you don't have to worry about that. Are you a great salesperson? What you have to worry about is do you have the right product or service to solve this problem of, to the, of the, for the person you're speak. And if you don't, then stop the presentation. Don't be afraid to say, you know what? I'm so sorry. I am not the solution to your problem. However, I am a problem solver. So let's work together to find a solution to that problem and really go out to help them find the solution. Because what that does for you is build your credibility as a human. [00:23:00] So when you are the solution, guess what they're gonna do they day?
You know what, Mike didn't have to get a cell from me that time, but he helped me solve my problem, so I'm gonna call. because he's someone I can trust. He's someone who's integris because he didn't have anything to gain. Then we move it to the next level. I said, okay, so it's not about selling. It's not about, you understand what the public is. Now is talk about the confidence. So what's confidence? Confidence is the assurity in one's ability to do. That's it. Confidence is the assurity in one's ability. So then I'll, I'll ask this really what I call elementary statement. Mike, do you know how to talk and you'll say Yes. I said, okay. Do you know the service that you provide? Say fairly well, don't have to be a hundred. That's fairly well, are you like 55% in understanding your service? And you'll say Yes. I said, okay. [00:24:00] So you know how to talk and you know your service. So where are we having the disconnect when we're, when we in front of the. , it goes back to your perception of the audience, and then that's where we dig in.
Mike O'Neill: You know, thus far we've talked about how fear kind of can work its way in with leaders. We started, you gave an example by which when you find that there's almost a bully mentality, it oftentimes starts at the top. Mm-hmm. And that, that is a way of. a, a fear. Yes. So we started with that and then I've raised the issue of fear rejection in the form of sales. And so we've kind of begun to unpack that. And then you kind of worked in what all the surveys say is that most people have this fear of public speaking. Those are three examples of, of how fear can be, a [00:25:00] landmine to an individual success. Even in organization's success. Mm-hmm. nationally. Can I invite you to think about a situation where perhaps you or a client of yours got stuck? And when that happened, what did it take to get unstuck?
Nahchon Guyton: I'll, I'll use my myself when I, I've been doing this, this work for over 20 years, and when YouTube first hit the market, it was like 2000 and. And then by 2008, people kept asking me to do videos. They said, you should do a video. You should do a video. Well, I've always been behind the camera. I've been a professional photographer, I've been a videographer. I've always been behind the scenes. So 2008, someone, one says, you need to do a video. 2010. Someone you said you need to do a video. You need to be in front of the camera. And I continued because of my. Hmm, because I know what it takes [00:26:00] to make a shot look good about lighting. Well, how I'm gonna do that for myself, by myself was my, the, narrative that I was telling myself. Not until now, 2022, have I actually got in front of the camera to start doing videos, and what did it take for me to get past that?
It what it took for me to get past that is my idea of perfection. Sometimes when you. So much about a product or a service. Your perfection becomes your rejection, internal rejection. You say, if it's not perfect, I cannot put it out there. And then you begin to create a narrative. You begin to create excuses why that's okay, you rationalize. And so I rationalized from 2008 to now on why I shouldn't. . So my first rationalization came this way. Who's gonna listen to me anyway? [00:27:00] First rationalization. I don't even think anybody's following anybody on this platform. Two, why do I need to do that anyway? I'd just rather get on a stage, have somebody else film it, have somebody else, you know, do it. So I'm continuing to rationalize why I'm not owning what the people are asking me to deliver for. So they're saying, I see you as a solution. I need you to give it to me this way. And this is for companies, your listeners, to understand if your, if your CU customers and potential clients are asking you to present something to them that you have the capacity to do, stop getting stuck and begin to pivot to say, you know what?
We can't offer that to you. And that opens up a whole new opportunity. So it took me 12 years. of, of de rationalizing and eating my own medicine because a friend of mine that I was, he's also one of my clients, he says, [00:28:00] nation. He says, what would you tell me if I told you what you just said? And I said, I would tell you one, you made it up. It's not real. The fear you're talking about is not real. Two, everyone's asking you to do it. Obviously, they want to see it. Three, perfection is not the. putting the material out there authentically is though. And he says, okay, now eat that. And I was like, I said, okay. Got it. And that's when just this year, in the last month I started to, to start the new videos.
Mike O'Neill: Well, I'm glad you have done just that. Made reference to perfectionism. I recently took an assessment and, it was a two-way tie for, for number one, and that is on one hand, being a perfectionist can really be, helpful. Yes, because you know it's gonna be done right, but taken to the extreme, it can just stop you cold in your [00:29:00] tracks. This is episode 1 0 6, and though it might show, one of the things I was concerned about when recording a podcast is how do we go and, and edit? What if, what did they say? Something that may or may not. And what people may or may not realize. There is no editing to these podcast. . Wow. And that flies in the face of my natural tendency is I want it to be perfect. Right? And, but who is perfect? No one, but what that really results in, it's more raw. And I, I just kind of like the way that kind of flows. Nahchon, by the way, I want to spell your first name for those who might be looking you up. Nahchon is spelled N A H C H O N, and it's Guyton, G U Y T O N, you know, Nahchon, as you kind of reflect on, we've covered a variety of things, the topic. Mm-hmm. being the F bomb, and how to unearth and disarm those anxiety landmines. As you kind of look back on what you shared, what do you want to be closing? Thoughts or [00:30:00] takeaways?
Nahchon Guyton: I would say the closing thoughts, it's in my book, F Bomb. You can get it on Amazon or you can go to, let, reach out to me and I can get it to you. The number one is seek out positive people. Hmm. Now here's, I'm gonna give you a caveat for when I say positive people. There's two types of positive people. They're the people that are full of energy, they're great, you know, Hey, I love being around you. But then there's what I call the cri, the the critique people. They're the ones who make you a better person by showing you where there's holes in your process. They, too are positive people, but most of us avoid them because we're sit, they're, they're telling us meet everything that's wrong. We'll know they're positive because they're showing you how to Sure up where there's a potential landmine for your, in your future.
So those, I wanna say that seek out positive people. Number two, learn to be a friend to yourself. because the reason we, I just did a, on my [00:31:00] radio station, on my radio show yesterday, we, it's called the Mastery Lab, and we just did a segment on self-esteem. And one of the things during that whole process of understanding what self-esteem is, it's how you talk to yourself when you're by yourself, okay? And when you are by yourself, if you say things like, oh, you're so stupid. You don't, you don't know what you're. That translates to the subconscious to tell your, your subconscious, make it true. So now you make what I call poor choices and poor decisions because you programmed yourself, because you didn't become a friend to yourself because would you tell your friend the things you tell yourself when you're by yourself?
And I would say you probably wouldn't. So first, so number two is be a friend of. , learn how to communicate to yourself the way you would to a true friend. And the last one is, learn to live in the present and release yourself from the past [00:32:00] mistakes. The key about that is everything that you can change is now. Everything that you've been through is a lesson that you should learn. Learn the lesson from the past so you can release yourself from that past.
Bring it to the. So you can apply it now so it will shape and move you forward in your future. What most of us do is we live in the past and we are repeating the past in our present, and then we wonder why we keep getting what we've already got always gotten in our future is because we haven't released ourselves from our past. Instead of learning the lesson, we are still. and we're making decisions, choices, and oppor looking at opportunities through the same filter, in the same lens as we were when we were 5 25, 35, 50. Wherever you are, you're doing it that way. And this is, this is probably probably another, another segment, but that's how we end up with biases.
Our biases are based [00:33:00] on our past experiences, good, bad, or indifferent, why we prefer certain things and we are afraid to look at. companies do it all the time. Why are you going to that vendor? Well, that vendor was always, they hear that you are the same, has always, they always were. Then I say, okay, now today, look at the vendor. Are they providing what your organization needs today? And they'll say, honestly, no. But Nahchon, I'm a loyal person. I said, I'm not saying to get rid of the. , I'm saying have a conversation with the vendor so you can release your company from that past experience and bring them current. So they may be able, you may be able to help them, help you move forward. But if you don't release that past and bring it current to the present, that's not gonna happen. So now you my top.
Mike O'Neill: Those top three are perfect. And it's very clear that you are, [00:34:00] you, you convey ideas in a way. , it's very relatable. I know that you've written more than one book. Yes. And I'm confident as people are listening or watching, they wanna say, God, I wanna reach out to Nahchon. What's the best way for folks to connect with you?
Nahchon Guyton: The best way for folks to connect with me would be one to send me an email and you'll send an email at info the mlb coach.com. Then another way is to send me a text message. , and here's what you need to put in the text message. So I know the text message. You'll send it to 8 3 2 2 7 3 0 0 4 3 and you'll say, put me in, coach. I'm from Michael O'Neal. Then I know it came from you. Put me in Coach. I'm from Michael O'Neal, and I say, put me in.
Because if you think about a, give another reference when you're on the bench watching a game and you've practiced and prepared, you want to. So to engage with me that [00:35:00] you're telling me by saying, put me in coach that you ready to play and now we can have a conversation to get to the next phase.
Mike O'Neill: Excellent. We will include that contact information, in the show notes. Now, you probably saw me light up a little bit. My business is called Bench Builders, and that is to prepare people, not to sit on the bench, to be able to come off the bench and to be able to put me in, coach. I love the way you kind of tie that together. Nahchon we could have talked about a wide variety of topics. We covered the notion of fear. I wanna say thank you for sharing your expertise and to sharing who you are with our audience today.
Nahchon Guyton: Mike, it was a pleasure. Thank you for the opportunity because the one thing that I, I'm gonna say this. The one thing we cannot replace, we cannot give back is the moments in the time that we spend with people. [00:36:00] And for you to have the to allow me to spend this moment and this time with you and your audience is greatly appreciated. So thank you. It's an honor.
Mike O'Neill: Well, the pleasure was mine because I also wanna thank our listeners for joining us today. We upload the latest. Every Thursday to all the major platforms, including Apple and Spotify. So if you have enjoyed this episode with Nahchon, I invite you to please subscribe. So are you a business owner and you're trying to grow your business, but you wanna make sure you've got the right people, processes, or planning systems in place so that you can grow smoothly? That's where I would invite you to reach out. If yes, let's talk head over to our website, bench builders.com to schedule a call. And on that call we're gonna talk about Joe's growth goals that you have, and we're gonna explore some practical steps that you can take now to make [00:37:00] sure that that growth in fact happens. So I wanna thank you for joining us, and I hope you have picked up on some tips from Nahchon that will help you Get Unstuck and On Target. Until next time.
This Quiz is Going to Assess you in 3 main Areas...
People is about making sure that you have the right people in the right positions in your company, and that you have a plan for how to retain and train your top talent.
Planning is all about knowing where you're going and having exact steps that you can take for how you're going to get from here to there.
Process is about having efficient systems in place to help you get ahead of your competitors faster and with fewer mistakes.