Our Books

“Read 500 pages… every week. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”
- Warren Buffett -
What do you want to read today?

Manufacturing Success
The only playbook you need to create a game plan for your growing company to achieve high profits, morale, and productivity in the manufacturing sector.

A Tactical Field Guide to Managing Humans
This is the companion resource you've been looking for. It's filled with all the core concepts that you need to master to be an effective team leader — but it's purposefully designed to be quick and easy to read. We want to give you a quick reference for specific situations you'll encounter every day.
Which Of These Blockers Are Keeping Your Company From Growing?
Take this free 5 minute quiz to learn what is your #1 growth blocker, and what do you need to focus on first to grow your manufacturing company... and get customized advice from Mike to help you get prepared to scale.