Happy New Year. In 2018, Human Resources face lots of issues that carry real risk for the workplace. Here are our Top 5 HR Solutions that employers should consider:
Sexual Harassment is very much in the news nowadays. Employers must develop, implement and enforce a zero tolerance policy that starts from the top. Key Leadership must ensure that anti-harassment efforts are given the necessary time and resources to be effective.
Workplace harassment affects all employees, and its true cost includes decreased productivity, increased turnover, and reputational harm. All of this is a drag on performance – and the Bottom-Line. When trained correctly, middle managers and first-line supervisors in particular can be an employer’s most valuable resource in preventing sexual harassment.
Pay Equity Laws and Salary History Bans are now sweeping the nation. In order to comply with these new laws and achieve greater pay equity, we suggest the following:
- Provide training to those with the authority to recruit, interview and hire that clarifies what may or may not be asked of candidates.
- Employers can still ask about salary expectations, performance history, sales history or profits generated.
- Update Job Applications to remove salary history questions. Likewise, make sure that salary history information is not sought during additional background checks.
The U.S. economy is booming. The resulting low unemployment puts a larger burden on employers to find the best talent. Employers need to create a comprehensive recruiting strategy. Consideration should be given to how & where to recruit, what tools to use, and how recruiting strategies will vary for different positions. Ideally, the recruiting team is as diverse as possible – whether in terms of its gender, racial makeup or life experiences as this will likely serve to expand the pool of applicants for consideration.
Creating a diverse workforce must start at the top. There must be a commitment by upper management & HR to align diversity efforts with business goals and corporate strategies. The hiring & promotion process should always focus on the job requirements, and the ability, qualifications and performance of a particular candidate.
Addiction, particularly opioid addiction is now sadly wide-spread. Employers should develop, implement and enforce drug-free workplace policies prohibiting the use of unlawful drugs both on the employer’s premises and during work hours. Likewise, an employer may also prohibit the misuse of prescription drugs that are otherwise lawful. Substance abuse cannot be ignored if your company wants to assure a productive and safe workplace.
As a leader, you appreciate the value of strategic human resources management. Hopefully you found our Top 5 suggestions helpful.
Wishing you much success in 2018.
Don’t gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it.
If it don’t go up, don’t buy it.
– Will Rogers